
What distinguishes GOLD LINE

A hatching egg is more than just a surface requiring cleaning. It is a living organism. It breathes, and is highly sensitive to environmental factors. This requires optimum conditions, such as a constant temperature and humidity. Bacteria, viruses, and fungi need to be combatted, but not with treatments which are worse than the ailment. After all, the growth and health of the chick are crucial factors in the consistency and quality of the production in every hatchery.

GOLD LINE flawlessly keeps the balance between hygiene and animal health. It thoroughly disinfects hatching eggs—also in pores and hairline cracks. Microbiological pressure is gradually reduced and kept at a minimum; the eggs and their environment stay clean and safe—during setting, selection, hatching, and chick pull.

As opposed to other disinfectants, GOLD LINE does not close off the egg. GOLD LINE leaves the cuticula intact. And when it hatches, the chick is not exposed to toxic substances. In addition, GOLD LINE does not have to be neutralized after use.

Using GOLD LINE is easy. It is supplied as a ready-made liquid, and administered with the help of specially made nebulizers. The dose can be adjusted exactly and efficiently, depending on local specifics such as the size of the rooms, the ventilation scheme and the age of the parent animals.

Switching to GOLD LINE does not require large investments or changes in your company and breeding process. GOLD LINE is suited for all types of hatchers—such as those from Pas Reform (Atlas up to SmartPro), Petersime (168—AirStreamerPlus), HatchTech (Midi- to MicroClimer), ChickMaster (Buckeye—Classic), or EMKA.

GOLD LINE has been developed especially for the disinfection of hatching eggs.

The GOLD LINE nebulizers are maintenance friendly. They use little energy and compressed air. Storage of the liquid is hassle free; given that dangerous goods or hazardous substances regulations do not apply to GOLD LINE.

GOLD LINE comes with excellent service. Our specialists work together with our customers on a permanent basis. We perform on-site analyses and offer expert advice. Together with your hatcherymanager and your technical staff we take care of finetuning, monitoring, and optimizing desinfection. Our job is done only when GOLD LINE operates at its full potential and all hygiene demands are met.

More and more hatcheries worldwide trust GOLD LINE. Their results speak for themselves. With GOLD LINE, hatcheries establish full control over E-coli, enterobacteria and other pathogenic germs. They improve their production consistency and the quality of their day old chicks—leading to higher customer satisfaction and less reclamations.

Gold Line Production / Distribution: